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Page 27

  “You’re in good shape. It won’t slow you down.”

  “Not that I’ll be chasing anyone. This is a straightforward sting, right?”

  “Right. Alpha team chutes in and takes out the guards at the gate and on the grounds. Beta team comes in through the gates as backup to help secure the premises and cuff the prisoners.”

  “Is there a third team on the beach, in case Prescott runs?”

  “Why the beach?”

  “He’s a pirate. And he’s done everything to make his house authentic to period, you know? The maze, the grandeur, all of it. I wouldn’t put it past him to have an escape tunnel to the beach.”

  Ethan felt something inside him slip into place at her words. “You’re right. I should have thought of it.”

  “You don’t read books about pirates.”

  “And you do?”


  “Among other things.” He’d never forget the spicy content he’d skimmed in the book beside her bed when he’d been doing personal recon in her apartment.

  “Among other things,” she agreed with a blush.

  His heart contracted. She was so damn sweet. “I’ll assign an agent from the Beta team to beach-watch.”

  “Good idea.”

  “But I don’t plan to give Prescott the chance to reach any tunnel.”

  She waved her hand. “The best laid plans and all that.”

  He laughed. “Are you casting aspersions on my abilities? Because I’ll have you know that someone I care for very much told me she thought I was the best of the best.”

  Beth paused in donning her dark camo shirt over the vest. “Someone you care for very much?”

  He nodded, wishing he had more time to say what really needed saying. “It was harder than it should have been to decide to include you tonight, and it wasn’t because I doubted your abilities.”

  “But you care for me too much to hold me back?”


  “I feel the same way about you,” she said in a low voice, her expression hiding her thoughts from him.

  “So, I don’t have to quit my job and become a plumber to keep you in my life?” he asked, only half joking.

  If it came between being an agent and having Beth, he didn’t think his job would win anymore.

  “I never said anything about plumbers…they can keep really bad hours.”


  “No. I don’t want you to quit your job. It’s part of who you are and I like that person.”

  “Like?” he asked carefully.

  She turned and peeled out of her jeans before slipping on a pair of regulation pants. “I think you know it’s a lot more than like or I wouldn’t be willing to compromise my dreams for you.”

  Everything inside him went still. “Are you willing?”

  “Yes.” But her voice was quiet and he couldn’t see her face. He didn’t know how she felt about that.

  He crossed the room and took her shoulders, turning her to face him. She met his gaze, her own un-flinching, but still giving nothing away.

  “We need to talk,” he said.

  She licked her lips and nodded. “Later.”

  “After we take down Prescott.”


  “If I kiss you, I’m going to want to make love to you.”

  “But you’ll wait for that, too. Your self-discipline is legendary.”

  “It goes right out the window when I touch you.”

  Her smile was soft and wholly feminine. “I like knowing that.”

  “I thought you might.”

  “Are you going to kiss me anyway?”

  “You know me…I live for risk.”

  She was still smiling when his mouth claimed hers and he molded the curve of her lips, taking that smile inside him like a talisman. He didn’t risk using his tongue, but he did pull her against his body. The Kevlar vests kept them apart, but it still felt good to wrap his arms around her.

  He broke off the kiss, but not the hug. “This is a good way to get ready for a mission.”

  She laughed. “If you say so, but I can’t imagine doing it with a different partner.”

  “Me either.”


  He pulled back so he could look into her face. “I told you at the beginning of this assignment I don’t want anyone else. And I can guarantee you, I’ve never gotten ready for a mission like this before.”

  “I’m glad.”

  He broke the hug and moved away. “Now, it’s time to get a move on.”

  She saluted him. “Yes, sir.”

  She was adorable when she was being sassy and it took that famed self-discipline of his not to pull her back into his arms and kiss her until they were both writhing, naked on the floor.

  The jump from the gliders went like clockwork. Using their heat-sensor goggles, Alpha team was able to identify and neutralize all outside guards before opening the gate and letting Beta team inside.

  Ethan sent three agents to the back of the house in case anyone tried to run and took control of the premises by kicking in the front door and identifying his team as federal agents.

  It was almost too easy. A guard opened fire, but one of Ethan’s agents took him out with a stun gun. Using his knowledge of the house plans, Ethan led the way to the underground movie theater where Prescott and his clients were watching a video of the UGCV. They moved fast in case the guard upstairs had been able to alert the others.

  But the single guard outside the door to the underground theater looked stunned to see them. He lifted his weapon, but was taken out with the same efficiency as the guard upstairs.

  Ethan didn’t bother with subtlety when blasting through the door to the room since it was locked via a biometric alarm. He simply blew it with C-4 and infiltrated the room before the dust cloud had finished forming.

  There were six clients in the room and the DEA agent. She dove for Prescott when he jumped and ran for the back of the room. She caught him behind the movie screen.

  He fought, but she had a snub-nosed revolver pressed against his skull when Ethan caught up with them. “Give me an excuse to use it, you bastard. Please.”

  Prescott went utterly motionless, his hand still against something on the wall. And darned if Beth hadn’t been right. A secret door in the wall was cracked and if it didn’t lead to an escape tunnel, Ethan would hang up his Lone Ranger star.

  The others in the room weren’t as quick as Prescott to realize the futility of attempted escape and more than one had to be brought down with the stun guns. Ethan’s agent upstairs commed-in to say that he’d secured the premises, having found one more guard in the house.

  Beth cuffed the Ukrainian and read him his rights like she’d done it a hundred times before.

  Pride swelled up in Ethan, almost choking him. “All right, people, move the prisoners upstairs one at a time.”

  The Arab was making noises about diplomatic immunity, as were a couple of others.

  “We’ll let the lawyers work that out,” Ethan said. “If you can prove your status, and it can be established that you are not working in the capacity as espionage agents for your respective governments, you will be deported without incarceration, but all rights of return to this country will be revoked.”

  No one looked all that smug after his announcement. In essence, the men and women in this room were spies and they knew it. Some might get off without doing time, but none would be allowed to return and all would be stripped of diplomatic status for perpetuity by the U.S. government.

  Something happened on the way up the stairs and Beth tripped with her prisoner. She ended up racking him with her knee before dragging his limping form up the remaining steps.

  The prisoners had all been put in secure transports to a federal facility in Portland and he and Beth were following in his car when he asked her about it.

  “I told him he should be ashamed of himself for not only abusing the hospitality of our nation but also betraying
his own people by being willing to provide a sex slave for a man as depraved as Prescott. He said that one woman’s plight was nothing compared to the power of a nation.”

  “So you tripped him and racked him?”


  “Don’t admit that to anyone else.”

  “As if I would.”

  “You shouldn’t have told me.”

  “But you’re more than my superior on the case, aren’t you? You won’t put it in your report.”

  “You’re right, I won’t—except the part where he confirmed his intention to you.”

  “That was pretty dumb on his part, wasn’t it?”

  “In more ways than one. I’ve been racked once or twice in my life and it’s not an experience I ever want to repeat.”

  “Well, you don’t have to worry about it coming from this quarter. I’m far too fond of your equipment to allow it to be in anything but full working order.”

  He laughed out loud. “You’re pretty darn bold for a shy woman.”

  “I’m not shy around you, or hadn’t you noticed?”

  “Are you saying I bring out the best in you?”

  “You know, Ethan, I think you do.”

  “You were right about the tunnel, too.”

  “I was?”

  “Yep.” He told her about the secret door Prescott had attempted to escape through.

  “But you were right, he didn’t get to use it.”

  “It could have happened. If DEA Agent Gannon hadn’t been so quick, I would have had to chase him down the tunnel.” And chasing suspects in enclosed spaces was dangerous.

  “She’s good. Are you going to tell Dad about her?”

  “You mean recommend her for acquisition by TGP?”


  “Yes. Not only is she a good agent, but as much personal baggage as she had on this assignment, she didn’t use it as an excuse to do anything stupid.”

  “That shows a lot of integrity.”

  “Yes, it does.”

  “I hope Dad acquires her.”

  “Me, too.” But his thoughts were not on the other woman.

  He’d never wanted to be done with an assignment so badly. There was so much unresolved between him and Beth and he wanted it taken care of now.

  Twelve hours later, Ethan had finished interrogating suspects and filling out paperwork. He was exhausted and wired at the same time. There was nothing new in that, but what was different was the need to get away from all of it with someone else. With Beth.

  He insisted on driving back to their cabin and she fell asleep about ten minutes into the drive. By the time they got there, he was ready to go to bed, too. He’d gone more than twenty-four hours without sleep and he could think of nothing more appealing than twining his naked body with hers and rectifying that problem.

  Beth woke up to autumn sunshine streaming in through the bedroom window and wrapped in Ethan’s strong arms. It felt right—being there, with him—everything about the night before and waking up next to him this morning.

  She was glad he’d brought her back to the cabin because she wanted privacy for their discussion. And she just plain wanted time alone with him. Her dad would expect them to return to D.C. that day, but she planned to talk Ethan into taking a couple of days off before heading back. They had to arrange return transport to the East Coast for his car and the cats anyway.

  She carefully extricated herself from Ethan’s arms so she could go take a shower.

  When she came out of the bathroom, Ethan was sitting on the side of the bed, an expression in his green eyes that made her heart melt. Her gaze flicked over the bed and then stuttered as it encountered a set of hand restraints attached to the brass headboard.

  “What are those for?” she asked in a voice gone breathless.

  “We never got around to my turn…”

  “Restraining me?” she squeaked.

  “Yep.” He grinned. “You sound nervous, Sunshine. Don’t you trust me?”

  “Yes, I do.” And to prove it, she let her robe fall from her shoulders to the floor and walked naked to the bed.

  She lay down and put her hands toward the headboard. Ethan straddled her, his flesh already erect and tempting, his body heat transferring to her with the sizzle of an electric charge.

  “Now, that’s one of the things I love about you, Beth. You’ve got a real sense of adventure.” He secured the cuffs to her wrists and brushed his thumbs against the palm of her hands.

  “One of the things…love?”

  His expression so sincere it brought tears to her eyes, he nodded. “Definitely love. I love so many things about you I can’t count them all, but that’s because I love everything that makes you Elizabeth Whitney.”

  “I love you, too,” she choked out past a tight throat. She’d never imagined she would tell a man she loved him for the first time in such a situation, but then with Ethan, life was going to be an exciting journey into each new day.

  “Enough to be my partner?”

  “Partner?” she asked, afraid to guess what he meant.

  He nodded. “In everything.”

  That sounded promising, but she waited in expectant silence for him to go on.

  “I’ve never worked with a partner, but I want that to change.” He cupped her cheek. “I want that partner to be you.”

  “But I’ll be a new agent.”

  “And I’ll take responsibility for training you, but there’s just one thing, Beth.”


  “When the babies start coming we have to promise each other we’ll leave fieldwork. It’s hard to raise kids in today’s world and they’re going to need us home, not gallivanting around trying to save the world.”

  “Do you mean it?”

  “Oh, yeah, I definitely mean it.”

  “So, you want to have babies?”

  “In a couple of years…maybe five at the most. You okay with that?”

  “More than okay.” Her heart was so full, she felt like it was going to burst from her chest.

  “I want these babies to carry my last name.”

  “You want me to marry you?”

  He got a chagrined expression and then said, “Wait a sec.”

  He jumped up and dashed into the other room. When he came back, he was carrying a small box. He climbed back on her so he was straddling her hips and opened the box to reveal the most beautiful marquis-cut yellow diamond she’d ever seen.

  He cupped her face with both hands this time, his thumb brushing her lips. “I love you, baby. Will you marry me?”

  Her eyes filled with tears, emotion coursing through her in a tidal wave, but she couldn’t stifle a burst of giggles. “I never thought I’d be proposed to while I was naked with my hands tied to the bed.”

  “Are you telling me that even your rich imagination didn’t stretch that far?” he teased.



  “You win hands down.”

  “That’s not what I was asking, but what did I win?”

  “The most unique marriage proposal.”

  “Good. I wouldn’t want to remind you of anyone else.”

  “You couldn’t…no matter how you had asked. Everything about us is different…bigger, deeper, more.”

  He inhaled a deep breath, his eyes closing for a couple of seconds as if he was savoring her words and then they opened, fixing her with a glittering green gaze. “So, are you going to answer, or am I going to grow gray sitting here?”

  She looked down at his still erect penis. “Um…I don’t think you’ve got the patience to wait for that.”

  “I agree. Now answer me before I have to get nasty.”

  “I might like you nasty.”

  His eyes narrowed. “You’re pushing me, Sunshine, and I gotta believe you’re doing it on purpose. I think it’s time I taught you what happens to feisty little agent hopefuls who give their trainers a hard time.”

  “Something looks hard, definitely.�

  He burst out laughing and then leaned forward to kiss her. His hands twined with hers while his tongue claimed rights to her mouth she’d never give another man again. He kissed her until her body was hot and needy, until her lips were swollen and her heart was pounding in her chest.

  When he sat up she felt the ring on her finger, but couldn’t hold the thought long because he was trailing his fingertips down her arms. He brushed over her armpits and she shivered, a convulsive movement that shook her whole body.

  “You’re so responsive,” he praised.

  “Your touch is too perfect.” She was panting and didn’t care that he knew she was so excited from the molten kiss and little bit of caressing he’d done.

  He cupped her breasts, rubbing his thumbs over her already erect nipples. “Touching you gives me more pleasure than I would have ever believed possible.”

  A lump of emotion formed in her throat. “I’m glad.”

  “I love your body, Beth.”

  “I’m nothing special.”

  He laughed. “Not special?” He shook his head. “Baby, you are more woman than I’ve ever known. You are it for me. The most sexy…” He squeezed her breasts. “Most sensual…” He leaned forward and gave her a love bite right over the pulse beating so frantically in her throat. “The most imaginative…”

  He ran his hands back up her arms to trace the cuffs holding her wrists. “Most fun…” He kissed her again, using his tongue to trace at her lips. “All kinds of fun…” He kissed her again, this time nibbling at her and teasing her tongue with his.

  “Most delicious.” His voice was going ragged. “Most beautiful.” Another kiss while his body rubbed hers, like a big cat of prey marking her with his scent. “Most caring.” Several nibbling kisses. “Most adventurous.” A long drawn out kiss that sent her connection to reality rocketing off into the ether.

  Then it was just his body pressing against hers, words spoken in her ear that she couldn’t make sense of and eventually hands and mouth everywhere, bringing each individual nerve ending to tantalizing life. Without knowing how they got there, her legs were wrapped around his hips and trying to draw him to her. He said something, cursed, and yanked away.

  She lay, dazed with desire, watching as he donned a condom with trembling hands and then he was back where she wanted him to be, on top of her and surging into her.