Taken the Spaniard's Virgin Read online

Page 7

  “What?” she asked, feeling confused.

  “Precisely how melted you are.” He winked, switching from romantic seducer to earthy lover in a heartbeat.

  She laughed, feeling light with happiness inside. “I don’t think we’re talking about the same thing.”

  “Perhaps.” Their mouths met briefly. “A man’s mind might be a bit more basic than a woman’s during times like this.”

  “Do you think?” Again her voice hitched on each word as his hand moved down her face to her neck, to cup her breast through her dress again.

  “More than think, I know.” He deftly unbuttoned the tiny white buttons that held her bodice together with one hand. “For instance, all I can think of right now is how your bare breast is going to feel against my palm.”

  He peeled back her bodice, exposing her intimate curves to both his gaze and the air. The peaks were already beaded in tight points, but she could feel them hardening even more as the temperature controlled air touched them. Then his big hand engulfed her breast, his palm upbraiding the nipple, sending shards of pleasure slicing through her.

  She arched toward his hand, sucking in a short gasp of air. “I like that.”

  He chuckled, the sound dark and sexy. “I do, too,mi bonita cielo . But there is something I will like even more.”

  “What?” she asked on another soft sigh.

  “Tasting you.” Then his mouth was replacing his hand on her breast and her nipple was sucked into exotic, wet heat.

  A keening cry sounded and she vaguely realized it was her as his teeth nibbled the turgid tip. His hand was skimming down her body to her thighs again, not stopping until his fingertip met and delved past the small elastic barrier he’d been playing with before. And then he was touching her where she’d never, ever been touched by another man.

  He released her nipple, giving it a sensuous lick before lifting his head to meet her dazed eyes. “You are very nicely melted.”

  She choked on a laugh, but it was cut off by his lips as he kissed her with heated intensity. He ate at her lips, pressing his tongue into her mouth with demanding eroticism. He knew what he wanted, but she was only too happy to give it to him. The feelings suffusing her body were indescribable…beyond anything she had ever known or even dreamed about.

  His mouth devoured hers while he fingered her sweetest flesh, sending pleasure arcing from nerve point to nerve point throughout her body. The kisses the day before had been electrifying to her senses, but these were a full-on hurricane, battering at everything she thought she’d known about herself.

  She writhed on the bed, pleasure tension spiraling inside her. She’d touched herself, she knew what an impending orgasm felt like, but this was beyond anything she’d ever felt before. It felt like a storm raged right in the core of her and was getting ready to explode in fury throughout her body. It was terrifying, but absolutely addicting as well.

  She could no more break the kiss or push his hand away than she could stop breathing. In fact, stopping breathing would probably be easier.

  He adjusted his hand and one blunt male fingertip slipped just inside her slick channel while his heel pressed against her clitoris. At the same time, his tongue thrust into her mouth in a parody of the intimacy he had promised her.

  The spiraling pleasure exploded, rocking her body with such intense sensations that she screamed into his mouth. His tongue muffled the sound, but her throat felt raw from it anyway. Showers of sparks detonated inside her while her body convulsed against his restraining one.

  His hand kept moving with tormenting pleasure until her body arched and convulsed again so hard that she saw stars, and then went utterly limp. Her eyes closed, her body lax, she floated on a cloud of luscious satiation.

  Only then did he pull his hand away and break the kiss. “That was a delicious little appetizer,mi querida .”

  “Ap…appetizer?” she asked, stumbling over the word with her sluggish tongue, her eyes flying open.

  His gunmetal gaze glittered with rapacious need. “Appetizer. I fully intend for the main event to leave you insensate.” He meant it. She could see it in his eyes.

  She gasped. “You are ambitious.”

  “This surprises you?”

  “No.” But she hadn’t realized his competitive nature would stretch into the bedroom, or cause him to want to give her a kind of pleasure that she had no measurable comparison for anyway.

  “It is time for me to undress you.”

  “I’m practically naked already.”

  “As we have discussed before…practically does not equate to the actuality.”

  “It will be so different.”

  “Do you doubt me?”

  She shook her head fervently, making him smile.

  “Then allow me to continue.”

  He just smiled as he reached around to unzip her dress and pull it from her unresisting body. Her sandals went next and then his forefingers hooked in the waistband of her tiny panties. “Lift your hips.”

  “I’ll try. I’m still pretty boneless.” She concentrated on lifting her pelvis.

  “Good girl.” He pulled the panties down slowly, caressing her legs with the silky fabric as he went.

  She’d been as close to naked as a woman could get in front of the camera, she’d traversed numerous runways wearing little more than a smile and a few scraps of lace or silk, and she’d been completely nude in front of dressers and designers, but she felt like her body was being revealed for the first time. A tidal wave of vulnerability crashed through her.

  Would he find her body as beautiful as her face? It was a foolish question. He’d been there yesterday when she’d posed for the camera in a string bikini, but this felt different. Only as she experienced full nudity with him did she appreciate how right he was when he said thatpractically andactually were concepts far from one another.

  His current silence was not helping to dispel of the fear burgeoning inside her. He knelt there on his knees, simply looking down at her. She thought he might like what he was seeing, certainly there was no visible depreciation of his desire, but his lack of comment grew more unnerving by the second.


  His gaze did not waver from her body. “Yes?”

  “What are you doing?”

  “Looking at you.”

  “Yes, well…I sort of figured that out.”

  “Have you ever seen a piece of art that stopped you in your tracks, made you stumble as you approached it because of the sheer perfection and beauty of it?”

  Was he saying that was how he saw her? “Um…yes…I felt that way the first time I saw a Mary Cassatt in person.”

  “Her work is amazing, butmi dolce tesoro …it is moments like this that mere humanity has to acknowledge the unparalleled artistry of God.”

  “So…um…you like what you are seeing?”

  “Your body is utter perfection.”

  “My breasts are small.”

  “Exquisite and perfectly proportioned.”

  “My bones show in places.” It was necessary for the camera, but she felt self-conscious about her thinness for the first time in memory.

  He shook his head as if clearing it. “Everything about you is just right. How can you doubt it?” He waved a hand toward his fierce erection. “Is this not ample proof I do not consider you lacking in any physical sense?”

  “It’s not merely physical, is it?” she asked in a fit of doubt that might be irrational, but was completely unquenchable.

  “Have I not told you? The beauty I see begins inside you. You are so much more than a body that is perfectly honed and toned for the life of a model.”

  “Thank you.”

  “It is I who should be thanking you for sharing such perfection with me.”

  “You’re no slouch yourself.”

  His gaze finally met hers. “Do you like looking at me as well?”

  “Oh, yes.” More than she would have ever thought possible.

  And now that h
e had assuaged her doubts, she felt shivery with pleasure from having his gaze on her as well. She would not have thought such a thing would excite her. To be looked at. But she felt the pleasure building inside again from the intensity of his gaze alone. Well, okay, maybe from the view, too.

  He truly was magnificent.

  He leaned down to kiss her again. Only his lips landed on the top slope of one petite breast. He did not go directly for her nipple like he’d done before, but explored every centimeter of her swollen curves with his mouth and especially his tongue. He swirled it around first one aureole and then the other, over and over again.

  The heat in her core built again to molten levels. “Miguel!”

  “What,mi dolce? What do you want?”

  “You know.”

  “Say it.”

  “No.” She tried to direct his head so his mouth was over her nipple. “I can’t.”

  But he hovered teasingly above the hard peak, brushing the puckered flesh with the lightest caress.

  “Please, Miguel…please…”

  “Please, what? Say it,mi Amber. I want to hear the words from your mouth.”

  “Suck it…please…put my nipple in your mouth.”

  He growled and then did just that.

  She screamed as pleasure seized her with harsh force. The few times she had considered what sex might be like, she’d never thought it would be something so primal and earthy. That it would shatter her with pleasure while making her body scream for more. He suckled her while she whimpered with the sheer amazing wonder of it.

  Her hands explored the muscular contours of his back while she used the rest of her body to caress what she could reach of his. Her thigh brushed his heated shaft and they both shuddered from the contact. She reached down to touch it. She could only reach the head, but she grasped it with shaking fingers.

  He tore his mouth from her breast. “Oh, damn…Amber…stop.”

  “I want to touch you.”

  “Next time…but right now, I must keep my control.”

  “I don’t want you controlled.”

  “I refuse to hurt you, but it would be all too easy to do so because it is your first time.” He gently, but inexorably removed her hand from his hardness. “Next time, I promise,querida, you may touch me to your heart’s content.”

  “I will hold you to that.”

  “I look forward to it, but right now…I want to taste you.”

  Expecting him to do what he’d done the last time he said that, she was totally unprepared for his swift change in his position and the mouth that descended on the apex of her thighs to kiss the top of her mound. She automatically tried to close her thighs, but his shoulders were there.

  She grabbed at his hair. “Wait, Miguel…I don’t think…”

  He lifted his head, the sheer erotic image of his head between her thighs scorching her consciousness. “This is not the time to think, it is the time to feel.”


  “Open your legs all the way for me, I want to see what you have shown no one else.”

  “You want to see me…there?”

  “Yes.” His hot gaze burned her. “Very much.”

  “All right.” What else could she say? In that moment, she realized she would deny this man nothing.

  Perhaps she should have been embarrassed, but it seemed so natural to move her thighs into a wide V.

  He pushed her ankles until her knees bent and she was exposed completely to his gaze.

  He smiled a predator’s smile. “Very pretty.” He touched the flesh still sensitive from his earlier ministrations, brushing along her silky wet, swollen lips.“Very, very pretty.”

  She couldn’t think of a thing to say in response to that, so she said nothing.

  Eyes darkened by desire met hers. “Now…I am going to taste the essence of you.”

  Her mouth opened in automatic denial, but he was already bending down to do as he’d promised. Even more intimate than the sweet kiss he’d placed on the top of her moist curls, his tongue tasted her with devastating expertise. The pleasure that had been on a slow build since he started this “looking game” spiked sharply upward until she was moaning and arching into his mouth.

  Then she felt one finger delve deeply into her. He hit her barrier and she jerked away at the unexpected pain. But he followed her with his finger, pressing gently against the barrier, but not breaching it. It was uncomfortable, but did not hurt as the initial touch had done. She forced her body to relax. She wanted him inside her…that meant she would have to accustom herself to the touch…to the pressure against her still intact innocence.

  He continued to kiss her with his tongue while his finger moved in and out, pressing oh so carefully each time, until she was once again moving into his touch instead of pulling away from it. His thrusts with his hands increased in intensity until, with one sharp jab, he broke through her barrier.

  She cried out, but it wasn’t just in pain. It hurt, though not terribly, not nearly as bad as she’d heard it could be. But along with the minimal pain was the incredible knowledge that he had just broken through her virginity. She belonged to him and by touching her like this, he had given himself to her.

  While they were together.

  She dismissed the reminder of his earlier words, but a tiny chill from the implied caveat blew through her heart.

  The finger inside of her was still, giving her time to adjust to having him inside her. But he continued to lash her pulsing sweet spot with his tongue, renewing the pleasure diminished by the small sting of deep penetration for the first time. It felt so good, so intense…she had to move, arching and retracting her pelvis back and forth against his hand and mouth, moaning as she did so.

  A second finger joined the first as she pressed against him, making her whole body shake violently with want and her moans turned to a keening cry.

  He lifted his head. “You are ready for me.”

  It wasn’t a question, so she didn’t answer. She couldn’t have if she’d needed to, not coherently anyway. She whimpered and her body arched in protest against the loss of his intimate kiss, though.

  He pressed his free hand against her belly as he withdrew his fingers. “Shh…we merely exchange one pleasure for another.”

  How could he sound so together…socoherent …when she felt like she was on the verge of flying apart?

  Even those thoughts splintered as he moved up her body and she shivered wildly at the contact of so much naked skin to naked skin. And then he wasthere, where she felt empty and in need—the big, blunt tip of his erection pressing against her swollen, silky wet flesh. His gray gaze held hers with the power of a tractor beam as he rocked forward, penetrating just inside her opening and going no farther.

  She jerked and keened again, the sensation so beyond anything she’d ever known she wasn’t sure she wouldn’t pass out from both the pleasure and the shock of it.

  “All right?” he asked, sweat beading on his forehead.

  She shook her head and then nodded.

  His jaw clenched, but then he gave her a strained smile. “Which is it? Yes or no?”

  “O-okay,” she forced out in a tiny breathless gasp. “I th-think I’m okay.”

  “Only think?”

  “Is okay,” she said with more conviction than volume. She could barely hear herself.

  But he heard her, his eyes glowing with something wild and primitive, as he pushed forward in a steady, careful, but relentless campaign to claim her untried depths. Her body was inexperienced, but he had aroused her to such heights that silky moisture smoothed his way and swollen flesh gave way around him.

  Finally he was seated fully inside her, their pelvises touching, his member gently nudging her cervix.

  She sucked in a breath and nearly choked on it.

  He made a hissing sound. “You are very tight,querida .”

  “I think you’re a little big.” She was rather proud of the multiple words strung together.

laughed, the sound rich and seductive…and maybe a tiny bit breathless. “You think we have a logistical problem?”

  She felt stretched and filled…and even a little tender, but she had no doubts he was meant to fill her just like this. When she had considered what making love would be like, she’d always thought it would feel just a little alien to have another person inside her, but it didn’t…it felt as if she was being completed, not invaded. “No.”

  “Good. I believe my patience is very near to gone. I am not sure I would have the strength to hold back and reassure you.”

  She, on the other hand, had no doubts. The man had already proven to have superhuman willpower. If she’d needed him to, he would have soothed her, she was sure of it. But she didn’t need that. This was much tooright .

  She opened her thighs a little wider in an invitation both archaic and profound. “I’m fine.”

  He groaned, arching back and surging forward as if her words had detonated inside him. The slide of intimate skin against intimate skin made her whimper with delight.

  He stilled immediately. “Did I hurt you?”

  “No,” she groaned. “Move…need you tomove .”

  The laughter this time was almost diabolical. He moved, though—stroking in and out with deliberate but agonizingly leisurely movements.

  “Feels so good,” she panted.

  He threw his head back, the tanned column of his neck showing muscles straining. “Yes, it does.”

  He said something else…she was sure it was in Catalan because it didn’t sound either quite French or Spanish. And why that increased her already heart-stopping excitement levels she didn’t know, but it did. Oh, goodness, yes it did.

  She tilted her pelvis toward his downward movements, trying to increase the friction, needing something more, but not sure what. Miguel didn’t react outwardly to her movements, but kept up the long, slow thrusts as if he was intent on her feeling every single centimeter of each purposeful slide.

  It was too much, though…or maybe not enough. She’d been so close to the pinnacle of pleasure before that she hovered tensely on its edge now, the incredible intimacy of the act driving higher the tension calling for release inside her.

  “Please, Miguel…please…move…I need…”